Auction of Dolls for Unicef


Auction of dolls for Unicef

The gala evening occurs at the Czech Museum of Music, where specially selected dolls made by well-known Czech artists and designers are auctioned to support Unicef. Traditionally hosted by Karel Voříšek and the patron of the auction, Liběna Rochová, the evening is a way of connecting artistic production with charity.

For this year’s auction, dolls were prepared by: 

Jana Boušková | Antonio Cossa | Soňa Červená | Jitka Čvančarová | Josef Dvořák | Bára Fišerová | Lenka Hatašová Marie Imbrová | Eva Jiřičná | Petr Kalouda | Václav Marhoul & Michal Gabriel | Jiří and Renata Pačinek | Preciosa Jaroslava Procházková | Jan Přeučil & Eva Hrušková| Liběna Rochová | Bela Schenková | Spolek přátel Kamila Lhotáka | Emma Srncová | Tereza Talichová | Robert Vano | Redakce VOGUE CS | Eliška Nosková, Linda Šašková, Emma Šťovíčková – Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola sklářská Železný Brod (Applied Arts School in Železný Brod). 

Akiko was auctioned in 2023 

Misaki was auctioned in 2022

Mr Nettles was auctioned in 2021

Ti-A was auctioned in 2020 at the first auction of dolls for Unicef. It is part of the Cosmos Tititi series, and despite its unusual look for a doll—depicting an alien-like being instead of a traditional doll—its auction was successful.  


How are Tititi figurines made?

Tititi is a brand founded in 2019 by Tereza Talichová, which has since managed to establish itself in the field of contemporary Czech design for children. It focuses on the author’s painted wooden figurines, personifying in an individual form a number of different types of people, artists or dramatic characters from theatrical or literary works, viewed through a playful lens and with attention to detail.

Each of the figures is first created by turning the body of the figurine from wood (spruce, oak, linden). Except for exceptions, it is a symmetrical, vertical shape, individualized according to the designed profile (silhouette) and then finished with an original painting