Auction of dolls for Unicef
The gala evening occurs at the Czech Museum of Music, where specially selected dolls made by well-known Czech artists and designers are auctioned to support Unicef. Traditionally hosted by Karel Voříšek and the patron of the auction, Liběna Rochová, the evening is a way of connecting artistic production with charity.
For this year’s auction, dolls were prepared by:
Jana Boušková | Antonio Cossa | Soňa Červená | Jitka Čvančarová | Josef Dvořák | Bára Fišerová | Lenka Hatašová Marie Imbrová | Eva Jiřičná | Petr Kalouda | Václav Marhoul & Michal Gabriel | Jiří and Renata Pačinek | Preciosa Jaroslava Procházková | Jan Přeučil & Eva Hrušková| Liběna Rochová | Bela Schenková | Spolek přátel Kamila Lhotáka | Emma Srncová | Tereza Talichová | Robert Vano | Redakce VOGUE CS | Eliška Nosková, Linda Šašková, Emma Šťovíčková – Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola sklářská Železný Brod (Applied Arts School in Železný Brod).
Akiko was auctioned in 2023
Misaki was auctioned in 2022
Mr Nettles was auctioned in 2021
Ti-A was auctioned in 2020 at the first auction of dolls for Unicef. It is part of the Cosmos Tititi series, and despite its unusual look for a doll—depicting an alien-like being instead of a traditional doll—its auction was successful.